Sundays are for prepping...

by Amber Buzick, September 23, 2019
If you've followed my instagram account, you know that I try to make Sundays as family focused as possible. Part of that is also getting organized for the week ahead to avoid chaos, panic, rushing and forgotten items later in the week (which usually seems to result in mom losing her sh*t at some point). I've found taking a few minutes on Sunday to prepare for the week ahead eliminates at least some of the chaos... Here is a list of some of the things on the Sunday-to-do list around here:

  • Menu Plan --- I am SOOOOOO lucky that my husband does all of our family's grocery shopping! We use emeals* around here and let me tell you what a huge time saver it has been for me. They have a ton of different meal plans available, I like the items on their "Clean Eating" menu. Simply pick out which meals you are going to be making, and it creates a grocery list FOR you! You can add to it, or cross off items you already have. Combine it with a grocery pick up app -- like Walmart's* -- and it's almost as quick + easy as paying for a meal delivery service!
  • Purchase any online items -- I always buy things like dog foot, toilet paper, laundry soap, and diapers online: it saves me a trip to the store and ultimately saves me money because I am not aimlessly wandering around Target finding treasures I suddenly cannot live without. (You could also combine these with meal planning if you are using a pickup service)

  • Weekly schedule: I keep a monthly calendar on our wall, along with my planner and a google calendar, but I have recently also started writing a re-cap of our upcoming week which we hang on the garage door as it is easier for my kids to use/see. 
  • This is also the time I sort through my kids' backpacks to see if there are any forms that need to be returned that may have gotten missed previously 
  • Clean sheets: because every week starts a little better with a fresh pair of sheets!

I have created the printable below, which can be found in my Etsy shop -- OR, for a limited time, downloaded FREE here:

*Note: The links above contain affiliate links: with e-meals, we will both get a few free weeks (a win win if you ask me!); Walmart, we will both get $10 (also a win win if you ask me!)  

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